200 Water Street - NYC - 2013
This project is part of the previous research and urban strategy "WATER STREET". It is focus on 200 Water street. The proposal is to create a network of green corridors and absorbent areas, which can contain and lead the water along them when the sea level rises. This area has great lack of green spaces, the slips will add vegetation while they are dry, and water corridors when they are full of water. The water will travel along the slips and find drain areas at different spots. This will also create a dynamic change of landscape. The vegetation works as well in absorbing the water and filtering it. Along Water street the scale isn't very comfortable due to its arcades. This places are a great opportunity for creating public green spaces and as well as changing the scale of the street with platforms. This platforms will also work as an alternative path if the city gets hit by a strong storm, since they are next to the buildings they will maintain buildings active while the streets remain under the water.
The general idea is not to stop the water, but to project its flow and create places that could be use either with or without water. The floods will be planned, and the water will be filtered.